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Finally, confirmation. Someone within Wenner Media backs up Liz Smith's claim: Jann and Matt are indeed expecting, and the due date is in August. It's not an adoption, we're told, but rather a surrogacy. In which case we've got to presume — not that we have any direction knowledge, thank God — that Matt gets to be the father, as Jann already has a few kids of his own. And the mother? We got no idea. "Probably some very well-compensated, genetically-blessed woman," theorizes our source.

Meantime, deepest apologies that the Name-Their-Kid poll hasn't been working for much of the day. There have been some server problems — why should today be different from all other days? — but we're told they're now resolved. So if you haven't already, go vote on a name for Jung Wenner. "Ennis" is comfortably on top, as it were, among the boys' names, but it's a neck-and-neck race on the girls' side. Will she be little Hunter Wenner? Or Miss Jan Wenner? It's all up to you.

(Due to service outages, we'll keep the polls open until at least midday tomorrow.)

Earlier: Name Jann's Kid: Choose or Lose!