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So what did you do last night? Stupid question, asshole. Just ask the cabbie:

It's sort of sad how a "television event," such as tonight's Sopranos season premiere, can cause New Yorkers to spend an unseasonably warm Sunday evening at home in front of the tv instead of going outside and actually, you know, doing something. This explains why the city was a total dead zone after 8:00 pm tonight. The only people out were the cabbies, the cops, and the garbage men, as well as a few random stragglers and tourists.

Exactly. And though we're sure many of you are still frozen in wide-eyed disbelief over Uncle Junior and the fate of Tony Soprano, we're stuck on that which followed: the premiere of HBO's Big Love and, specifically, downtown hipster/actress (hipstress?) Chloe Sevigny. Maybe it was just us, but we couldn't help noticing that the local princess of the irrational cracktard fashions actually looked kind of, well, pretty in her french braid and tightly buttoned Mormon gear. Compared to her usual uniform of shredded garbage bags, Gallo semen, and vintage belts, that is.

Feng Shui [New York Hack]
Big Love [HBO]