Eight Simple Rules For Dating My Own Teenage Daughter

In a sound-bite that will gleefully be stripped of context and run up the blog-pole for ridicule thousands of times over, Donald Trump told the cackling hens of The View that if he hadn't donated 50 percent of his DNA to daughter Ivanka and thus risked violating the most sacrosanct of all taboos, yeah, he'd hit that:
He added: "I don't think Ivanka would [pose for Playboy], although she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."
His comments drew laughs from the audience, and prompted "View" co-host Joy Behar to crack, "Who are you,
Woody Allen?"Trump's representative, Jim Dowd, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that Trump "was absolutely joking."
"He was making fun of himself for his tendency to date younger women," Dowd said. "It's a sense of humor that people don't see (from him) all the time."
Thank God The Donald's publicist was available to put everything in perspective. Of course Trump was merely having a little fun with his own legendarily narcissistic image! But if he'd joked that he'd like to date his son because that would be the next best thing to screwing himself, everyone would've thought he was gay.