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You're familiar, naturally, with the work of The Teaching Commission, yes? No? No. Darn. It's a nonprofit put together by a bunch of corporate bigshots dedicated to improving the quality of education by improving the quality of teachers. That neither you nor we have ever heard of this organization could, one might think, be blamed on its "director of strategy and communications." But that couldn't be the case, because the well-managed Daily News has just hired that guy — Josh Greenman is his name — as a member of its editorial board and its new op-ed editor. Greenman wants you to know with a new sheriff in town, "the paper is in the market for sharp, well-argued commentary on city, state, national, and international politics, as well as pieces on culture, sports, and anything else (including humor)." We're confident he'll make sure your writing gets lots of attention.

Greenman starts in April, and his emailed announcement is after the jump.

From: Josh Greenman
Date: Feb 28, 2006 9:31 PM
Subject: Job news
To: Josh Greenman

Friends, colleagues, and other people,

Sorry for the mass email. I wanted to let you know that, as the Teaching Commission prepares to issue its final report and close its doors, I've figured out what my next job will be. I'm going to be joining the New York Daily News as opinion editor and a member of the editorial board. (And, down the road, I'll be contributing some opinion under my own name.)

The core of my job will be editing the op-ed page. To that end, I want you to know that the paper is in the market for sharp, well-argued commentary on city, state, national, and international politics, as well as pieces on culture, sports, and anything else (including humor).

I'll be getting an email address and extension at the paper when I start in early April. Before then, feel free to email me here or call me at 917-582-XXXX.

Hope all is well with you.

