Remainders: Filthy-mouthed satirists

Surprise, surprise. Om Malik says that Google Calendar will follow the new company strategy: take something old, mock it up in Ajax, and shove it out the door. [GigaOM]
Doucheball: the Dodgeball for people who suck. [Brother Lawrence on Flickr]
BlowTheDotOutYourAss (pictured): more dot-coms you don't want. [BTDOYA via]
Tip beg: Anyone have insider info on Yahoo suing wireless content startup MForma? The MGM of Silicon Valley accused the former Yahooers at MForma of stealing trade secrets. There a legitimate case here, or is Yahoo's new policy "If we can't keep 'em, sue 'em"? [CNET]
And a remaindered video: a UFO-like sighting of what definitely isn't Google's secret OS. [YouTube]