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We were joking — sort of — when we suggested earlier that life at New York magazine is in fact just one big Ivy League reunion. Then this showed up in our inbox, sent out to the Princeton career network last week:

The editorial internship at New York Magazine is a wonderful opportunity to learn how a relatively small, weekly magazine gets put together. While there are some administrative tasks, interns work closely with editors and writers in all aspects of the magazine and have a wide variety of responsibilities. From doing background research, to formulating story ideas to running downtown to pick up last minute photo-shoot necessities, interns are truly involved in the editorial process from start to finish. The hours are flexible and everyone at New York is highly competent and very intelligent. Honestly, it is the best internship possible, in a constructive environment, where interns are given genuine responsibility.

Well of course the interns are given real responsibilities. It's just what the Princeton brochure promised.

Is the Media One Big Ivy Reunion? At 'New York," Definitely.
The Media Is One Big Ivy Reunion, Cont'd: Yale Edition