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Lucy's been outed. The lady who won Larry Page's heart was named by the New York Post as "Lucy Southworth." Sez the Post, the bright young Stanford student has degrees from the the University of Pennsylvania and Oxford. She's done medical work in South Africa and "wants to better the world."

But there's a tidbit that somehow didn't make it into the Post — the Southworth family is connected to the Bushes. In 2005, Lucy's sister Carrie married high into Bush staff. Her husband (Coddy Johnson) worked as the national field director for Bush's 2004 campaign. It's not a new family connection — Coddy's dad roomed with Bush at Yale.

Man, if Page is as liberal as he seems, that's gotta be one awkward Thanksgiving dinner.

Update: Thanks to the readers who sent in photos. Of COURSE the Post went all paparazzi. Full-page shot after the jump. Granted, she looks much cuter when posing.

Page Girl [NY Post]

Couple go to White House dinner [St. Joseph News-Press]

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