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Jen Ingalls from Google's Atlanta sales team works extensively with the Special Olympics.

Gabriela Valdes, an International Sales Googler, is a born-and-raised Bay Area local, fluent in Spanish, with a serious passion for travel and life.

We've featured the witty blog of Niniane (on Blogspot, obvs). Her latest adventure: snapping pics of her neighbors' for-sale condo while kinda pretending to be an interested buyer. And then hiding from said neighbors until they move out.

Leshika Samarasinghe (photo removed by owner's request) got her job at Google during her graduating year at Stanford. "She is as friendly and charming as she is beautiful," says a fellow alum. Her favorite song is "Space Oddity."

And do the stars look very different today? Overheard in the Office heard some diet planning at the Plex this Friday:

Co-worker: My fiance and I are going to LA this weekend, and I'm trying to lose a pound or two before then so my friends don't think I'm pregnant.

More Google Gals [Valleywag]
And more [Valleywag]