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The lovely ladies of Google are pouring in. Well, nominations for them are. From left to right, the nominees pictured above:

Trisha Weir from hardware operations, is "just kind of this rockstar on her team." She writes, designs clothes, and is pretty handy with a cat 5 crimper or a command line.

Lauren Baptist left MIT in 2000 to work as a Google engineer. When Harvard asked her "how ridiculously rich" the Google IPO would make her, she demurely pointed to a PR rep. Guess that's code for "very ridiculously rich."

Kimbalina works on Blogger. "Kimmy" says she loves corny jokes, chocolate, and the color purple.

Elizabeth Windram works on UI and reportedly plays a mean game of dodgeball.

Ginger Franke is supposed to be adorable; still looking for photos of her. Send those and any other nominations (with photos and info if you can) to

Earlier: Gorgeous girls of Google: A call for nominations [Valleywag]