Bert Fields Licks His Chops For Potential Cruise Lawsuit

Shortly after the official denial of last week's Cruise-Holmes break-up story in Life &Style, Scary Hollywood Lawyer Bert Fields took some time off from nervously clacking the metal balls on his desk toy while monitoring the updates in the Anthony Pellicano wiretapping trial to publicly muse about suing the magazine for temporarily upsetting his client's suspicious domestic bliss:
Fields says: "This is a disgusting and malicious story.
"It is unequivocally false and I have already demanded a retraction. I will be sitting down with Tom in the next couple of days to discuss this story, and ultimately it's his call as to whether we bring a lawsuit. But if it was up to me, I would sue."
And if Fields convinces Cruise to sue Life & Style, we think that former Jerry Maguire co-star Cuba Gooding Jr. might be next on the legal shit list for the remark he made to
You were in JERRY MCGUIRE. Do you still keep in touch with Tom Cruise? CGJ: I do.
What do you think of him and Katie as a couple?
CGJ: I heard they weren't a couple. Are they a couple or not? Good lawd. I showed him SHADOWBOXER.You showed him SHADOWBOXER? What did he think of it?
CGJ: He loved it, he thought it was brilliant.
What gives? Does Cruise's onetime sidekick believe the "malicious fallacies" of Life & Style over his pal? We're more than a little disappointed that Tom apparently hasn't been calling up Cuba, overcome with the manic joy of impending fatherhood, and asked his buddy to scream "Show me the baby!" while the proud dad-to-be holds his cellphone against his fianc e's swollen belly. Maybe they can arrange that scene for Access Hollywood as an under-the-table settlement after Gooding gets his obligatory threatening phone call from Fields.