• Nielsen Media Research finally starts including college students in ratings, which should be good news for young-skewing networks like MTV and Fox. Should also be good news for that sweet "Girls Gone Wild" informercial that's always on and fuckin' kicks ass, dude, and is just — wait, is that the pizza? [NYT]
• This week, Simon Dumenco hates Google. (And again we say: Told you so.) [Ad Age]
• Jason Binn shuffles editors at Gotham and Hamptons. Which makes sense — one can only give blowjobs for so long before the jaw starts to ache. [NYP]
• We cut out a bit early on one Friday, and of course that's the day Jann Wenner fires his RS publisher over the location of the mag's 1,000th-issue party. Only at Wenner Media, kids, only at Wenner Media. [Mediaweek]
• Group of journalism bigwigs signs petition asking annual newspaper conference to look into the industry's willingness to help save refugees during the Holocaust. Because when an industry's future is so secure, it can afford to spend time worrying about things that happened 60 years ago. [NYT]