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Can someone translate this photo's Chinese caption and tell whether this Google tattoo is permanent? Cause if I were in China, I'd consider that a BAD long-term decision. [Flickr]

Update: Thanks to everyone who translated. The caption says, "Google will be very pleased when they see this." Or literally, "Upon looking Google will certainly be happy to death."

Your exclusive Apple event invitation? The one from Steve Jobs and Bono? Yeah, that's fake. [MacNN]
Kleiner Perkins raises a "pandemic and bio defense fund." Says John Doerr, "We hope even a mild pandemic never recurs. But we must prepare to hold the keys to life itself for the worst." [Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers]
The blog AdamNation asks, which father/son pair matches blogger Robert Scoble and his son? The Costanzas? Sheens? Bushes? [AdamNation]
Sometimes, startup founders just hang out at Michael Arrington's place and install alpha projects on his laptop. That's just how awesome the TechCrunch blogger is. If MC Hammer ever shows up at the Arrington ranch, the Singularity will occur. [TechCrunch]