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From — where else? — today's Thursday Styles:

OF the many cinematic barriers broken by the success of "Brokeback Mountain," one previously overlooked achievement is that the film has made it acceptable to dress like a cowboy.... Western fashion has struck a chord with audiences, as several people are now willing to pay top dollar for that authentic Brokeback look....

A pair of jackets, worn in the movie by Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger, were auctioned at a New York gala for the Human Rights Campaign on Saturday, drawing a top bid of $42,000 from Bruce Bastian, a board member of that organization....

Vin Diesel's Motocross pants from "XXX," by comparison, were trading yesterday for just over $115.

And if a multimillionaire gay-rights activist spends a fortune on jackets from the biggest-deal gay-themed movie ever, and if pants worn by a cheesy actor in a cheesy action movie go for far, far less, clearly that proves the jackets are much more fashionable.

The Gays do have an eye for these things, after all.

'Brokeback Sells a Style [NYT]