Remainders: Daily Candy tastes like flipmeat

Another online media company's for sale. "Daily Candy could fetch more than $100 million, people familiar with the matter say." But Chris Coulter asks, "WHAT? More Pittmanish Accounting. Like who greps faux 'urbane email newsletters' anymore..." [WSJ]
Suggested World of Warcraft nicknames other than "the new golf:" "the new eavesdropping at Buck's," "the new schmoozing at launch parties," or "the new overzealous mountain-biking." [PC Mag, CNet]
"Googlepark: The Spaghetti Code" does up Google, Microsoft, Vint Cerf and Scoble all South Park style. Scares the hell out of me. [Channel9]
Podbridge, another startup, plans to fill podcasts with ads. The CEO says, "As a user, you notice nothing." Except, you know, THE ADVERTISEMENT. Or, hell, maybe the user doesn't notice the ad, which makes for one odd business plan. [SiliconBeat]
Google's "call the advertiser" feature starts a trend more insidious than clickfraud: bored kids crank-calling Adwords buyers. [Om Malik]