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The last news out of Budget Living magazine — the young "spend smart, live rich" title that won a general-excellence Ellie two years ago — was that founder Don Welsh was looking for a buyer. "Now is the time to sell," Welsh told Keith Kelly for his Dec. 16 Post column. "It needs a giant magazine company to be its home." Welsh said he'd find a buyer within 60 days.

Today is 60 days since that comment was published, and there's been no news of a buyer. In fact, the rumor we're hearing this afternoon is that the mag's about to be shut down. Our source — who's pretty confident but also says she "wouldn't bet the farm on it," so take this for what it's worth — says it looks likely the mag will be no more by the end of the week, and maybe as soon as tomorrow.

Got any inside info? Let us know; anonymity, as always, will be assured.