Today in 'And Friend': Pulls Away?

After a mere two days of our new And Friend feature, in which we attempt to identify the nameless companions pictured with boldfacers, seems to have taken offense. How else to explain the complete lack of front row photos from yesterday's fashion shows? Did the pretty web editors think we were making fun of them? We weren't, honestly. The "and friend" caption is everywhere, and just imagine how many worthy people have been mislabelled as the anon-a-friend when, in fact, they're in possession of some identity worthy of being named!
We were just trying to help, really. No need to take down the photos altogether. Being defensive gives you wrinkles.
Update: Oh, thank God — the front row pictures are finally up. We can go back to saving the world now.
Earlier: Jessica Joffe Update: 'And Friend' Edition
Today in 'And Friend'
'And Friend' Update