Two Walt Mossberg items just showed up. Looks like the Wall Street Journal tech writer ought to go into hiding.

Business 2.0's Erick Schonfeld has an admittedly "completely inappropriate" scene from the Demo conference. Some guy at the conference told Walt, "I just want you to know what an honor it is to be pissing next to Walt Mossberg." Erick's source says that Walt muttered, "Bizarre."

Meanwhile, Walt's personal photos showed up in a public feed on Vizrea. The photo sharing site, which launched today at Demo, ran his photo stream on the front page. The photos are down, now, and someone (Walt, I presume) has taken them off their home on Walt's Vizrea page.

Well, someone sent in copies. So, Walt, please don't get mad:

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After all, he looks good. Wise and slightly bikerish. Or is it Stowe Boyd?

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His wife Edie British radio journalist Jan Ziff...not so much, in this picture. But I assume she looks lovely when she's not about to sneeze.

Full-size pics after the jump.

Microsoft Alums Create Flickr Competitor [Thomas Hawk]
Can I shake your hand, Walt? [B2Day, Business 2.0]

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