Jessica Joffe Update: 'And Friend' Edition

In our continuing coverage of ex-Observer reporter Jessica Joffe's every movement during Fashion Week (a crucial, make-or-break time for a "girl about town"), we've found proof that Joffe is indeed hard at work, doing important research at Behnaz Sarafpour. Atta girl!
But who's her companion? The caption merely reads, "Jessica Joffe and friend." Perhaps this is the beginning of a new Gawker feature, in which we ask you, our far more knowing readers, to identify the poor souls stripped of names and relegated to "and friend" status.
So it's time to name the anon-a-friend. Send us your guesses (or confident answers), and we'll rescue this piteous girl from WireImage death!
Update: In less than 20 minutes, readers have identified "and friend" not just as a random civilian, but as an actual boldface socialite. Joffe is pictured with Coralie Charriol Paul, heiress to the Charriol Swiss watch fortune. Shame on you,, for not knowing better.
Behnaz Sarafpour []
Earlier: Whither Jessica Joffe?
'Vogue' Turns Its Back on Jessica Joffe?