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Just when you thought the political climate couldn't get any worse:

** CosmoGIRL! **

Do you know a girl who'd make a great President? CosmoGIRL! magazine is on a mission to make a CosmoGIRL! reader win the presidential election in the year 2024, PROJECT 2024. They've established an internship program in which 7 lucky girls will get a chance to spend the summer of 2006 living in New York City, working at their dream jobs and learning about power from the inside. Get a strong, ambitious girl to apply today. (pdf file)

Have a pleasant week.
The White House Project Staff

The White House Project, a national, nonpartisan 501 (c)(3) organization is dedicated to advancing women's leadership across sectors, enhancing public perceptions of women's ability to lead and fostering the entry of women into leadership positions, including the U.S. Presidency. Visit us online at

Don't laugh. Learning How to Perfectly Kiss Him has helped countless women break the glass ceiling.