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If you can swallow your pride just long enough to peruse the Fashion Spot message boards ("where the fashion industry meets online," of course), you can learn some interesting things. For instance:

Hey guys, i have some info about the upcoming covers of US Vogue!

April: Jennifer Aniston (it could be Connelly, i have to check that)
May: Keira Knigthly (again!)
June: Uma Thurman

I also found some sheets with the eds and photographers of each issue.. I'll try to take some copies too! Btw, there is an ed of Daria in Argentina of 8-10 pages which is incredible! I think its going to be in the march issue!

Incredible! Do be sure to get us those copies ASAP — especially before Anna fries your ass and serves it to Andre.

What Magazines Have You Bought/Received Lately? [The Fashion Spot]