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The Interpreter star Nicole Kidman will be returning to the film's United Nations location, this time as their latest goodwill ambassador:

The Oscar-winning actress will work with the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) on critical gender concerns such as ending violence against women, according to a U.N. statement Thursday.

While we have no doubt porcelain figurine Kidman will do a wonderful job of bringing much needed awareness to the cause, we can't help but wonder if perhaps it isn't better suited to someone with a less delicate constitution; for example, the sturdily framed, fellow U.N. do-gooder Angelina Jolie, who well into her third trimester could single-handedly wipe out a Senegalese female circumcision outfit using nothing but her bare fists and some advanced Judo maneuvers, as a proud Brad and the kids cheer her on from the sidelines.