• A benefit to save Williamsburg from outside gentrifies seems a little, shall we say, late? In fairness, it's happening at Union Pool, where no rich-kid hipsters ever hang out. Ever. [Zeebahtronic]
• After a few hundred grand down the toilet, a statewide campaign, and a mocking Daily Show segment, Jersey finally has a new slogan. Of course, the slogan is the least of the state's marketing problems. [Copyranter]
• We usually assume that when rich guys offer to buy a woman dinner at Nobu, he's trying to nail her, not conspiring to arrange something for his brother. It seems charity really does begin at home. [Forksplit]
• We'll happily admit we've been pretty drunk on the subway. But how totally, completely, Kate-Moss-on-a-bender shit-faced do you have to be in order to lose your artificial leg? At least the MTA's looking for you. [Fish Drink Water]