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It's interesting to watch the drunk driving arrests of Lost actresses Michelle Rodriguez and Cynthia Watros play themselves out, as a sort of good souse/bad souse pattern appears to be emerging, with Rodriguez taking on the role of dissident dipsomaniac to Watros' cool and contrite. At their recent arraignment hearing, Watros turns on the waterworks (through a worded statement read by her lawyer, of course) and gets a slap on the wrist; but "Four Strikes" Rodriguez isn't swerving away quite that easily:

Cynthia Watros is going to plead guilty in her D-U-I case. But, Michelle Rodriguez is going to trial. Both of these "Lost" actresses had been arrested within 15 minutes of each other in separate cars on December first.

Both had failed field sobriety tests. The lawyer for Watros says "she made a mistake. She's very remorseful and she wants to take responsibility for her actions." So, she'll plead guilty when she's in court on January 12th.

It's a different story for Watros' "Lost" co-star, Michelle Rodriguez. Her trial's set for March 30th in Hawaii. And, prosecutors in Los Angeles have filed a motion to revoke Rodriguez's probation because of her Hawaii drunk driving arrest.

We couldn't help but chuckle watching Rodriguez's character, Ana Lucia, being offered a mini-bottle of tequila at the end of the episode re-aired this week, only to have her turn it down for lack of mixers a vivid reminder that as compelling and realistic as Lost is, it is still a work of fanciful fiction.