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The word turning heads and circling corners in the state capital around Washington Avenue, State and Upper Swan Streets is that Donald Trump could be the Republican Party's next candidate for governor of New York. Like a tube of Rogaine, let that revelation sink in a bit.

Desperate for big name/big money, Senate GOP leader Joseph Bruno appears willing to let it all ride on red, a familiar color to Trump's businesses as he's no stranger to filing for bankruptcy. Somehow I don't think "deficits are a plus" would make a nice campaign theme.

But as we all know, voters are stupid. If Trump ever got publicly elected to anything other than a "biggest douchebags" list, then our bi-coastal world would shatter and forfeit even the smallest claim of intellectual superiorty over the rest of the country. It would mark a time when we would need to take a deep look at ourselves, turn inwards, and quite possibly move to the Midwest.

Even worse is what passes for humor from an Albany bureau chief:

Just what would The Donald do?
Lawmakers could take a break from those long budget negotiation sessions by playing newly installed slot machines.
Secretary of Hair becomes new state post.
New York would get its first First Lady named Melania.
State's motto "Excelsior" would be changed to "You're Fired!"

Well, would you hire this man to be gov? [NYDN]