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· Munich opens on 532 screens, grossing a respectable $5.7 million in four days. Jews kicking ass: We saw it, we loved it. No kidding. [Variety]
· Further details emerge about the yawn-inducing riveting Microsoft pullout of MSNBC: NBC Universal will own 82% and acquire full management control, continues at a 50-50 split, and the public's interest level remains unchanged at a steady 0%. [Variety]
· CBS offers free video streaming of Two And A Half Men and How I Met Your Mother on Yahoo! this week. Finally, with the addition of Jon Cryer, the internet has become a vital and viable medium. [Variety]
· 25 films are added to the National Film Registry by the librarian of Congress, James H. Billington, including The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Fast Times at Ridgemont High, which leads us to believe the librarian of Congress could be hiding in those stacks, stoned and pulling on a pair of fishnets as we speak. [THR]
· The richest man in Australia, media mogul Kerry Packer (bet your heart skipped a Rupert Murdoch-length beat there for a second) has gone on to a better place. We'd make a sensitive joke, but we wouldn't want to see it splashed across tomorrow's Australian headlines as fact. [THR]