Remainders: Ricky Martin's Super-Hetero Vacation

• Bikini-clad Ricky Martin and his friend aren't gay. They just fuck like they are. [Dlisted]
• Now that Peter Braunstein has been caught, we can go back to freely discussing pantyhose. [Slate]
• Federal anti-terror funds pay for faux-fancy Circle Line dinner cruises. Terrorists do balk at the sight of old white people wearing Sperry Top-Siders. [NYP]
• The year in crappy celebrity wrist watches. [OAN]
• The year in odd news. [MSNBC]
• The year in random freelancers who happen to appear on Jeopardy. [FishbowlNY]
• Get the cool gadget and games your relatives didn't get you for Christmas or Hanukkah with Gizmodo and Kotaku's holiday gift guides. Click on the Best of the Year polls to choose the top gadget and game of the year, and maybe score a $500 gift certificate. Get to it, nerds. [Gizmodo]
• And finally, we end on a very serious note: Kevin Federline has launched his own website. It is a thing of mysterious, painful beauty, built from the ashes of dead souls and flecked with the vomit of those who manage to survive its launch. [Kevin Federline]