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Yesterday was a sad day for the newspaper industry, as it was announced that Long Island Press columnist Amy Fisher will no longer write for the paper. Fisher, who was infamously imprisoned for shooting her lover Joey Buttafuco's wife in the face in 1992, has said she will exit the 135,000-circ daily and "move on to bigger things." According to one expert, Fisher was the paper's most famous columnist and, with her departure, the LIP may see a dip in readership:

"Amy Fisher has a great future in our popular culture," said Paul Levinson, a media studies professor at Fordham University. "And there is no doubt [Long Island Press] will take a hit from people who pick up the paper to read Amy Fisher's column."

And, of course, by "people" who read Amy Fisher's column, he means slutbunny Long Island sociopaths who like to bang gorilla-bodied auto mechanics.

Fisher Out As Paper's Columnist [Newsday]