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Can't quite figure out why someone would sign on to fund on a nascent magazine then decide to pull that funding after only three issues? Can't understand why the investor would say he's willing to spend up to $25 million but then give up after only shelling out $10 mill? Unclear on why he blames poor advertising sales for the surrender when people within the mag say the next issue had the best sales of any?

You can learn the answers to all these questions — and more! — in less than a half-hour when Mort Zuckerman arrives at the Radar office to explain his rationale for pulling the plug.

This email arrived in Radarite inboxes yesterday afternoon:

Mort will be coming by the office tomorrow morning at 9am to discuss his decision regarding Radar with you and answer any of your questions. He has about 40 minutes. Hopefully the strike does not occur and cause a delay.

See you all tomorrow.

Bill Holiber
U.S.News & World Report

We suggest you buttonhole Zuckie on his way into the office, to get him to answer your very own questions. You know how to find the place: It's on 23rd Street, with all the business cards out front.

Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of 'Radar'