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While the Learning Annex has typically been our go-to source for bizarre seminars on nondescript shit, we're happy to see that life's lovable losers are branching out to where they're needed most, like Dallas. For $60, one can listen to Joe Simpson (father of Jessica and Ashlee), Bachelor host Chris Harrison, and Britney Spears's personal assistant Felicia Culotta instruct the masses on how to be a star in any career. According to the program, this moving experience "will give tips for being an A-lister in life."

Um, these are the esteemed folks that can guide one to being "an A-lister in life?" If that means Red Bull, final roses and strange daddy fantasies, we're more than content skanking somewhere below life's D-list.

Joe Simpson Teaches You to Be an A-Lister in Life [FrontBurner via Media Orchard]