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Three reports from last night's Media Christmas celebrations.

• Disney/ABC, Roseland: "In the past, ABC News used to have a party of its own but budget cuts did away with that a few years ago and now we have to get drunk with the riffraff (a.k.a. Disney store employees). Anyway, party was at Roseland Ballroom. Lots of food and long lines at the bar. Highlight of the night was two black dudes stealing the mike from the skinny-white-boys-with-black-fro-wigs disco cover band and attempting to rap the YMCA. Tomorrow night GMA will have its party. Hopefully that'll be better."

• CBS, Black Rock: "I was at the CBS Party last night, where the biggest names were Greg Gumbel, Charles Osgood, Deborah Norville, Julie Chen and Les Moonves.

"Anyway, it filled quickly with all the usual schnorers - and about 45 minutes into the party, who should walk in but David Lee Roth, who is replacing Howard Stern in New York on WXRK-FM, CBS's Infinity station.

"Now this guy was a rock god with Van Halen and on his own in the '70s and '80s — but last night he looked like a waiter, in a white shirt, vest and dark pants. And he walked through the entire crowd UNRECOGNIZED, except by the K-Rock GM, his new boss.

"Think about it: If Howard himself had walked into the party, he'd have been mobbed. And here's his rock-star replacement, traversing the crowd without inciting even a shudder of recognition. Perhaps it was the badly colored combover."

• Heart Magazines, Tavern on the Green: "Nothing too juicy — lots of nerds on the dance floor. Oh, and Helen Gurley Brown dancing like a fool." Shudder.

Earlier: Media Christams