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Because mornings are for tears and existential loathing, we present you with MediaPost's 2005 Mag Rack, published last January, which mentions the publications they were looking forward to in the coming year. As 2005 draws to a close, we found the following old list of anticipated publications to be most appropriate for your seasonal depressive nostalgia. What they once were hoping for:

Racing Fan — There has to be a place for a mass market title covering the world of NASCAR and the like, given the sport's popularity and the lack of coverage in titles like Sports Illustrated.

The New Frontier — Helen O'Donnell tries to channel the spirit of JFK Jr.'s defunct George following a year when politics were more top of mind than in decades.

Tango — A magazine promising to take a serious look at relationships and dating in the age of

Sly — Don't laugh at the Rambo image in your head—there is plenty of room in the men's category for guys of a certain age who want to stay fit.

Domino — CondeNast attempts to extend the shopping magazine craze into the crowded shelter category.

While we initially snickered (Tango? Such precious naivete!), we have to admit — these days, one out of five ain't bad.

Mag Rack: The 2005 Edition [MediaPost]