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As it turns out, two of the constantly recurring stars of Blue States Lose are actually REAL HUMAN BEINGS named One-Half NelSon and Elaine Van Hoorn. What's their story? Says Elaine:

We met one fateful day, in the year 2002, by chaotic circumstance. It was an instant, undeniable, magnetic bond: love at first sight. We quickly realized our simultaneous passions...

Being that showroomXS submerges us in a intelligent, meaningful and artistic lifestyle and not just merely a "look" that everyone else possesses, it's amusing to hear how others react to, and criticize, our way of life. It's for us, not for them, in the end. We eat it, breath it, see it, touch it, smell it, hear it, live it, and love it.

Yes, it's their life to smell, not ours. Which is exactly the sort of inane answer you'd expect from human spectacles.

In Order to Attain the Impossible, One Must Attempt the Absurd [Blogebrity]