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The Isle of Oscar Levant blog recounts a Friday afternoon encounter with George Clooney and his tiny, eco-friendly ride:

friday, 3:30, waiting at stop sign to go on my daily hike and i look in the rearview and it's ... "the world's thinnest car" - i know it HAS to be george clooney and sure enough, it is. i'm obviously looking at it so he pulls up next to me and we both roll down our windows.

me: "that is a fucking COOL car! is it german?"
g: "thanks! it's electric - all electric!"

and he gives me that smile and i'm thinking, LA is the most surreal place on the face of the earth when everyone behind us starts beeping for us to move. i want to yell, "exCUse me, i'm talking to george clooney here!" but i just make a right turn and george follows me up the canyon ... b/c my "secret" parking (and makeout spot, but that's ANOTHER story) is right near his house, so he follows me up to the top and we wave and smile.

Sure, it's all-electric (and as a reader informed us, does 0-60 in 4-5 seconds) and has a certain Mayor-McCheese-driving-a-Happy-Meal-roadster charm, but the car's obvious design flaw seems to be its inadequacy for efficiently transporting all of the stop-sign-encounter tail he's going to get cruising around town.