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Yesterday, a well-meaning (but ultimately idiotic) fellow sent out a mass email plugging his friends' trunk show for Finn Jewelry. "I'm not gay or anything," he wrote, "but the work is really beautiful and worth checking out..." Perhaps these were not the wisest promotional words for the fellow to pull out of his ass, especially since the email went to several social butterflies and benefit stalkers.

None too surprisingly, the fellow received a response a few hours later from a young socialite concerned with his use of language. "The insinuation that men involved in the jewelry business or in fashion are gay is inappropriate- (my father is a jewelry designer - he's far from gay)," she wrote in her far-too-long email. And before the author of this email was even revealed, we knew it was none other than Elisabeth Kieselstein-Cord, who has sent similar heartfelt missives to Gawker. Glad to see she's still at the keyboard, clacking away!

Fashion - The Last Bastion of Equal Rights [Apathy & Conceit]