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Find the front page of the Times, with all its hurricanes and floods and Gaza and George Bush, too depressing for you? Troubled by the TV news, with its murder and mayhem and health scares and Fleecing of America? Disappointed that even our commentary isn't quite cheery enough for you? (Us? Negative? Never.)

Boy does The Washington Post have just the website for you, then. Postie Paul Farhi reports today on, a news site devoted to reporting just the good news. Look at today's top stories, for example:

• World Bank panel approves debt relief
• Cell phone saves man's life
• Tupperware to lure 20-somethings
• U.S. wins the Presidents Cup

Or the weather report:

The weather sure is nice in Austin today!

We can't help but wonder how a news organization like this would have covered, say, the Holocaust.

Oh, wait; no need to wonder. Here's a headline from the international section:

• Dutch railroad apologizes for WWII role

Oh, how nice that they're sorry for shipping Jews to their deaths. See, there's positive news everywhere. Maybe: "Poles Admire Quick Blitzkrieg!" "Churchill Gives Great Speeches Amid Bombing, Say Brits!" "Attic Decorating Tips from the Franks!"

If you need us, we'll be vomiting., Where the Beat Is Always Up [WP]