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American celebrities are always threatening to leave the country when they're displeased with the political climate, but has one of them finally put her passport where her mouth is? Gwyneth Paltrow shows Alec Baldwin how it's done, spending more of her life overseas with the fruit of her womb and the world's leading producer of elevator music:

DOESN'T sound like Gwyneth Paltrow is getting homesick living in London with "Coldplay" singer Chris Martin and their baby, Apple. "I've always been drawn to Europe. America is such a young country, with an adolescent swagger about it. But I feel that I have a more European sensibility, a greater respect for the multicultural nature of the globe. And it's a strange time to be an American now," she told the Toronto Globe and Mail during a junket for "Proof." "I feel like we're really in trouble. I just had a baby and thought, 'I don't want to live there.' Bush's anti-environment, pro-war policies are a disaster."

If we can get Bush to promise that he won't draft Apple for at least another two years, do you think we can lure Gwynnie back? We'll even arrange for her to go to the Oscars in a Prius, if that helps. It's a good thing that we have these press junkets, otherwise we might never know about our actors' political fears before we lose them all to Europe.