More Fashion Week Crisis: Hipster Party Busted!

It's more tragedy from the Fashion Week front: Last night's Surface to Air/Estuay/Tokion mag party was crushingly shut down, forcing hundreds of greasy, hip folk to evacuate the Gallery on Elizabeth. And with nary a Cobrasnake photog in sight!
Contrary to popular belief, the party was not disbanded because of the overwhelming presence of hipster b.o., but likely due to noise levels (electroclash, after all, cannot be played quietly). Whatever the case was, no less than seven of NYPD's most patient officers herded the deconstructedly chic revelers — mullets and Heatherette purses in tow — from the scene. Party refugees were then bused to alternate shelters at Movida, Sweet & Vicious, and Misshapes.
UPDATE: We hear that the Cobrasnake was indeed present, but we've yet to see any sweaty pictures from His Highness.