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Today in Martha Stewart's Media Campaign 2005, MSO chief executive Susan Lyne and company chairman Charles Koppelman sat down to discuss Stewart's sweeping return to mass-market ubiquity. Naturally, the head puppeteer herself was present:

Ms. Lyne acknowledged the risks, but said the program would expose a whole new audience to the company's products and founder.

"She's tough and strong in it," she said, "but there isn't an iota of— "

"Nasty aggressiveness?" Ms. Stewart interrupted helpfully.

"Yeah," said Ms. Lyne.

"I think it's Martha the way she is in her business," said Mr. Koppelman, "which is straightforward — "

"Assertive," Ms. Stewart suggested. "And fair and feeling."

Of course, straightforward and assertive have some downsides, as well.

Yeah, like being constantly interrupted.

Martha Stewart, Unchained [NYT]