The latest in our round-the-clock coverage of EDGY NYC: 33-year-old Alfredo Morales has been arrested in connection with the drug-related deaths of Mellie Nicole Carballo and Maria Pesantez, both 18. The girls were found unconscious on Friday after reportedly injecting a nasty speedball, assumed to be derived from the same batch of highly-potent (or poisoned) heroin responsible for the recent slew of junkies gone to heaven.

But Morales isn't responsible for the nasty smack. In fact, he didn't even sell the girls any drugs, despite being charged with the criminal sale of a controlled substance. Actually, Morales just shared his cocaine with the girls, which technically falls under the laws against selling drugs. So you know that chick in the bathroom line at Bungalow who wants to "share a stall" with you? Just say no.

Man Is Charged in Suspected Drug Deaths [NYT]
Earlier: Bad Heroin Supply Threatens Innocent Junkies
NYDN on Shrewd Heroin Beat
Put on Your 'Warriors' Vests: NYC is Back