• CNN's American Morning moving from street-level studio to CNN newsroom, leaving Midwestern tourists with a mere four street-level morning shows in Midtown to flock to. [NYDN]
• Finally, a prosecutor decides against subpoenaing a Times reporter. [Miami Herald]
• The Wen Ho Lee case against the Times and others, however, continues. And could be much worse for journalists. [Boston Phoenix]
• Rumor has it a Times reporter is skulking around Philadelphia, looking for sources on a "sixth borough" story. Anyone know Jenny 8.'s whereabouts? [Philebrity, third item]
• Now Trump's blogging, too. Is the shark finally jumped? [TechWeb]
• Apparently we're not making sweet love to anyone at Page Six. (We're not? That was all so long ago that at this point, we've forgotten the details.) In other breaking news, it seems we work in our pajamas and like cheap drinks. Who knew? [RS]