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It's good to know that we're not alone in our love of classic Donatella Versace rumors. Now that the designer has presumably cleaned up and de-cocained herself, she's so boring. From a reader comes yet another completely unconfirmed but totally plausible piece of nostalgia:

A few years ago, when she was still Druggie Deluxe, she had a very reputable plastic surgeon brought on-set during a shoot, ostensibly to discuss more "sculpting." She had never met this physician before, and he was of the serious and respectable sort. After sitting him down and senselessly blathering for a few cocaine-saturated minutes, he politely brought her back to the subject at hand by inquiring what it was she wanted to discuss with him. Thinking it would be funny, she grabbed her unsuspecting assistant as he walked past, announcing loudly enough for everyone to hear, "Eet ees not for me, but for heem. Hees peenis is too beeg. Eet hoorts me."

Who's more horrified by the thought of all this — the doctor, the assistant, or you?

Earlier:More Wit and Wisdom From Donatella Versace