Tax Fraud, Shmax Fraud

News comes today that Jeanine Pirro, the Westchester Country district attorney, will run against Hillary Clinton for U.S. Senate. They're both hard-charging, well-known, charismatic women. And they both have husbands who've been in the public eye. "Ms. Pirro's advisers also believe that in a Senate race," observes the Times, "the candidates' husband issues could cancel each other out."
Let's consider these "husband issues."
• Bill Clinton was a two-term president of the United States, reelected in 1996 by 8.5 percentage points. He had a favorability rating of 56 percent the last time Gallup polled on the question, earlier this year.
• Albert J. Pirro Jr. was convicted of income-tax fraud in 2000 and spent 11 months in jail.
Sure, they totally cancel each other out.