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If you're anything like us, you've only been paying attention to whether or not Demi Moore is pregnant when the celebrity weeklies tell you to. Right now, most stalkerazzi diaries are telling us to pay attention to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's quest to build an exotic, sexualized Brady Bunch, but for some time American Media Inc.'s Star was hell-bent on convincing the world that Moore was carrying Ashton Kutcher's seed. Now, the latest issue of AMI's National Enquirer is reporting that Moore suffered a miscarriage. Demi herself, on the other hand, says that all of the above are completely fabricated and untrue: No pregnancy, no miscarriage. But since when do we listen to what the actual celebs have to say?

Anyhow: Star was reporting the pregnancy as recently as July 18, but the Enquirer is claiming the miscarriage occurred around June 1. Interesting, sure, but this date overlap is hardly a sloppy error. In actuality, it's one of AMI editorial director Bonnie Fuller's favorite maneuveurs, in which she simultaneously bends you over, knocks you up, and punches you in the stomach. Poor Demi Moore is just another victim of Bonnie's birth control.

A Little Family Disagreement over Demi [Gatecrasher]