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Oooooo. Some interns got in trouble.

A tipster reports that Fairchild Publications interns were showing a bit too much skin this summer, and so corporate HR felt compelled to send a company-wide email reminding everyone of appropriate standards of corporate dress. And as you might imagine, the guidelines at this fashion-book publisher are enough to, well, fill a book. Women on staff, we're told, were particularly displeased, which seems fair, as the guidelines don't say a word about men's clothes.

As an intern embarking on your professional career it is important to remember that your dress speaksvolumes about you. Fairchild understands you want to express your fashionista style; however, showing up in a strappy tank top, short blue jean skirt and flip flops is not going to express that you are a smart, professional looking to succeed in the magazine publishing industry.

Don't confuse club or afternoon weekend attire with business attire. If you would wear it to a club or out on your Saturday shopping trip you probably shouldn't wear it in a business environment.

And it only gets more pedantic. The full memo, complete with sections and subheads, is after the jump.

This is a friendly reminder about the Fairchild business casual dress code.

As an intern embarking on your professional career it is important to remember that your dress speaks volumes about you. Fairchild understands you want to express your fashionista style; however, showing up in a strappy tank top, short blue jean skirt and flip flops is not going to express that you are a smart, professional looking to succeed in the magazine publishing industry.

Don't confuse club or afternoon weekend attire with business attire. If you would wear it to a club or out on your Saturday shopping trip you probably shouldn't wear it in a business environment.

Here are some brief guidelines:

Business casual is crisp, neat, and should look appropriate even for a chance meeting with a CEO. It should not look like cocktail party or picnic attire.

Avoid tight or baggy clothing; business casual is classic but can have a trendy flair.

Pants / skirts: Women can wear casual pants or skirts. Neither should be tight. Fabrics should be crisp; For the most business-like appearance, pants should be creased and tailored; neither extreme of tight or flowing.

Skirt length and slits: Your skirt should come at least to your knees while you are standing. While you are seated, your thighs should be covered. If your skirt comes to just below the knee, a slit to just above the knee might be acceptable. A very long skirt should not be slit to above the knee. Generally slits in the center back of a skirt - to facilitate walking a stair climbing - are acceptable. Slits to facilitate a view of your legs are not appropriate for business purposes. Slips should not be visible.

Shirt / sweaters: In addition to tailored shirts or blouses, tailored knit sweaters and sweater sets are appropriate business casual choices for women. Cotton, silk, and blends are appropriate. Fit should not be tight. Cleavage is not appropriate to business and job search occasions

As you dress yourself in the morning always think about the impression to want to portray.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me or XXXXX.