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Is Sunday truly Sunday without a Times article on sexy, sweatshop-free American Apparel and its founder, Dov Charney? Of course not. Yesterday's beacon of hip brought us a Styles piece on Charney's latest legal woes, courtesy of some former employees who are suing for sexual harassment. Now, God knows Gawker is full of strident feminists, but this sort of complaint is kind of like going to work at Playboy and then suing because you had to look at boobies.

But we digress. We're more concerned about the sheer frequency of American Apparel treatises in the Times, and this frequency is not just in our heads. Out of 20 articles in the past 60 days, 3 were from the Times. Granted, that may not seem like much, but no other single publication is responsible for as much as 15% of Charney's press. And, of that 15%, you can rest assured that the articles all say the same thing: "Those American Apparel ads and Dov Charney sure are sexy/creepy, but, golly, the clothes are nice and we're all conflicted blahblahwah."

His Way Meets a Highway Called Court [NYT]