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As we continue to document the nauseating display of love between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, we got to thinking: What does it all mean? Desperate for clarification and direction, we turned to our friend Lexi for answers. After all, if the media can't tell us what to think, then we're a lost cause.

Power Search*
Term: Scientology - 697 documents

Focus Search Within Scientology Results
Term: Cruise - 514
Term: Holmes - 432
Term: War of the Worlds - 242
Term: Batman Begins - 221
Term: Publicity - 164
Term: Stunt - 116
Term: Cult - 67
Term: Fake - 24
Term: Pathetic - 5

Ah, that pinpoints the main idea quite nicely.

*It should be noted that we originally started the Power Search with a focus on Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, or any combination thereof, but the results returned over 1,000 documents. Thus we started with "Scientology" instead.