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It's cute when the Post tries to be tactful, but it also leaves a little something to be desired. "Looks like Katie forgot her makeup" is the headline? Come on, that could be fromforgive usthe News. Doesn't, say, "Tom's Herpes Honey!" or "Holy Herpes, Holmes!" sound so much more Post-worthy?

And while we're at it, a fan of the British celeb mags points out that li'l Katie's got hella ugly feet, too.

Lips (the full shot) and feet, after the jump. JO

UPDATE: We're informed by a readerand a bit of research confirmsthat Dawson and Joey did in fact sleep together. But it wasn't until their college years, and the show sucked then, so we'd stopped watching. Um, we mean: We were never watching anyhow.

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This image was lost some time after publication.