One of Jane Fonda
s ex-lawyers is plenty steamed at the actress-activist-exercise guru-aging slut-memoirist over My Life So Far, her new book (currently #15 on the amazon bestseller list).
She grossly lied when she said [her father] Henry had told her what to say when she accepted the Oscar for Klute in '72,
he writes in an e-mail making the rounds.
went to the ceremonies and sat next to her the whole evening
.I came up with what she finally did say (more or less) while we were having a drink in a bar in Koreatown about a half hour before the ceremonies. I whispered in Jane's ear: "I know what you should say if you win: There are a lot of things to say...(meaningful pause)...but now is not the time to say them." While it would have been nice for her to be honest after all these years, I know exactly who she is—and that alas, honesty was never her fort
. I take great solace however in also knowing I am a far happier person today than Jane will ever be.

Yes, there are a lot of things to say about this
(meaningful pause)
but I just can't bring myself to spit on Barbarella. —MG

My Life So Far