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Donatella Versace is confessing her sins in the Sistine Chapel of fashion (the May Vogue) so late last week, Mother Superior Wintour cut a few lines for Post gossip monkey Jared Paul Stern.

She stopped doing blow briefly, when her brother Gianni was murdered in his home by a psycho stalker in July 1997. But she soon developed an even worse habit: mixing the cocaine with Valium and Rohypnol. "Yes, I enjoyed those people," Donatella said. "But if I wouldn't use the cocaine to have the fake happiness, I wouldn't be able to go to those people, because I'm so unhappy, so lonely, because I hate myself." She went to rehab after her friends, including Elton John, held an intervention at her daughter's 18th birthday party last summer.

So let me get this, er, straight: She joined the unhooked generation on the very day Allegra "Skinnylegs" Beck, her daughter, inherited half the company and became her boss? Talk about walking right up to the (white) line (don't do it)!—MG
Donatella-All: I Was A Funky Junkie [New York Post]