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Salon takes on the aesthetic faults of Lizzie Grubman's MTV series, PoweR Girls:

I know this is really mean, but some people really weren't born to work in front of the camera. You know, because they have no eyebrows? Lizzie could really use a brand-new head. Maybe she can find out where Nicole [Richie] got hers.
Lizzie is a scary human inside and out, and the sad little minions who work for her are absolutely depressing, running around in circles with their little lists, imagining that they're big shots. I know, it sounds vaguely appealing, but it's not. Aspiring models and starlets: laugh-out-loud funny. Aspiring publicists: slit-your-wrists sordid. Spending time with Lizzie and friends is like being hazed by a room full of deranged, anemic sorority girls. I know, it sounds vaguely sexy, but it's not.

Aw, c'mon. Lizzie isn't a "scary human inside and out." We're not going to debate her outside but, on the inside, she's just misunderstood (and slightly blackened).

I Like To Watch [Salon]